Terri Shultz, CEO

“I love that fact that I work with a wonderful organization and extraordinary people who are so committed to bettering the lives of those in need.”
Phone: 615-890-5877 x. 102
Steve Arnold, Construction Director

Steve Arnold joined us after a long career with his own construction company Skill Construction. We are very lucky to have his expertise, professionalism and passion for home building!
“My strength and willpower may fall short , but the Lord’s promise is to complete the good work He began in me . I welcome His intervention .”
Office Phone: 615-890-5877 x. 105 / Cell Phone (official biz): (615) 804-8842
Megan Hutchings, Community Outreach Coordinator

“I love working for an organization that not only serves individual families but also the community as a whole. I feel very blessed to utilize my God given talents to build the kingdom of heaven here on earth. While we serve locally we also make an impact on the global mission.”
Lamyai Savely, Bookkeeper

“I am more than glad to be employed by Habitat for Humanity. I feel that I can be employed and still be able to help my community and others in their daily endeavors. I thank God for allowing me to have the skills to be able to help such a ministry that spreads the gospel and helps the needy to have the best adequate shelter and bring people together in Christian love.”
Phone: 615-890-5877 x. 108
Angie Ezell, Homeowner Services Manager

“It makes my heart glad to work for an organization that helps families in our community to grow and prosper in so many wonderful ways. It’s truly a blessing! “
Melissa Cross, Marketing & Development Director

“I am very blessed to be working with the fine people at Rutherford County Area Habitat for Humanity and for such an amazing mission! Our program is a hand UP, not a hand out – a way for families who are cost-burdened to learn how to manage their money and permanently get out of the cycle of poverty! I am so proud of our Habitat Partner Families, and those in the current Future Homeowner program. I’ve loved getting to know them personally. And I can’t say enough about my Habitat co-workers for their friendship, strength, dedication and faith!”
Phone: cell (best#): 615-603-5395 / office: 615-890-5877 x. 110
Tina Busey, ReStore Director

Tina Busey joined the ReStore staff six years ago and is excited to become our ReStore Manager. She has experience and knowledge of home improvement and building materials, and is always available to answer questions from customers about their use and specifications.
Phone: 615-890-5877 x. 107 / ReStore: 615-849-5994
Jasen Staton, Construction Site Supervisor

Contact Jasen through the RC Habitat for Humanity office: 615-890-5877.
Jenni Preuett, Office Administrator

Phone: 615-890-5877 x. 100